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Haicom Universal Car Holder HI-195

Price: 15,00

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Haicom Revolution Universal Phone Holder. This is not just a regular universal phone holder but a patended state of art design with 360-degrees rotation to let you store your phone in your car in a number of different ways. The holder is designed so that it can be adjusted to suit you in the car.

Of cause this holder is delivered including the sucker for mounting it onto tye inside of your cars windshield.

Our premium car holders provilde an easy one hand installation and you are able to view your phone vertically or horizontally while charging the battery in the vehicle. It does not require any adhesives or holes. So you can easily mount/unmount your device(s) without damaging your vehicle!



Manufactured by: Haicom
EAN Code: 4710635514808
SKU Code: HI-195
Model Code: HI-195
Shipping Weight: 201gr

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