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GPS Re-Radiating Antenna

Price: 57,50

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This re-radiating antenna vastly improves the reception of your GPS unit, by providing stronger signal strength. It does this with the aid of 2 antennas. The first antenna, which would usually be fixed to a windshield or other surface, receives the information from the GPS satellite. This is then re-radiated through the second antenna, from where it is picked up via the GPS unit's antenna.

This unit is not directly connected to your GPS unit, and can therefore be used with a variety of different models. It draws power from your car cigarette lighter. It is great for GPS without external antenna connector such as Garmin eTrex.

We import this antenna from Thailand ourselfs so you want find it anywhere else here in The Netherlands!

  • Plug-N-Play, easy to use.
  • The radiation range could reach one meter around.
  • The simple of structure make as easy installation.
  • For L1 band GPS signal, meets most of the GPS Receivers on the Market.


WIthout Re-Radiator

With Re-Radiator

Also check this website for some test results. 

Power Required 10~26VDC, Less than 25mA, @ 12VDC input (Active Antenna not included)
Gain ~24dB
Frequency L1 Band, 1575.42 +/- 10MHz
Operation Temperature -40°C to +80°C
Operation Humidity 5% to 95%
Dimension 106 x 67 x 20mm (main Body)
The length of Dipole are 6 cmout SA
The length of RG-174U Cable are 200cm
Range: 2~5 meters around
Impedance 50ohm
Gain average 26dB need, for 2-5 meters cable, but it may depends on the length of cable
Length Standard 3 meters, offer optional choices 5, 10, 15, 20 meters
Providing 5V, 25mA power for the External Active Antenna.


Manufactured by: ProGin
EAN Code: 0000000000000
Model Code: sun-sbg190
Shipping Weight: 333gr

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